June 3, 2020
I hope this message finds everyone safe, healthy, and well. I apologize for the lack of communication throughout this long process. I had been working on getting my new website launched, but unfortunately it was delayed
The company that hosted my previous website had a security breach and I was not able to use it for communication. The new website is live and it is secure.
There are forms on the website that I will explain later on in this message.
We are planning to open on June 8th. Unfortunately, I will no longer be traveling to my satellite offices in Farmington and in Skowhegan. The strict guidelines that we must follow in order to practice is one of the many factors involved in this difficult decision.
I have been very busy preparing my office in order to continue to provide the best care possible. Our office follows infection control recommendations made by the American Dental Association (ADA), the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). We follow and subscribe to these agencies because your safety is of the utmost importance to us.
At the beginning of the pandemic, I decided to start some updates to my office. It started as a simple painting and reflooring project, but it became much more. The old flooring needed to be removed, and I did all of the plumbing and electrical work myself.
Even though I was not seeing patients, I was at my office for countless hours. All of my flooring is now brand new and there is no carpeting to be found. I was the painter, plumber, electrician, and carpenter.
Additionally, I had a REME HALO LED Air Purifier installed in my ductwork. I did my research and I think that this is currently the best unit on the market for air purification.
In addition to the hours spent doing renovations, I engaged in online education and webinars to prepare for our reopening.
My staff and I have been diligently working to prepare our office for you and we look forward to welcoming you back. As you plan for your visit, please make note of the following updated protocols that have been implemented to ensure everyone’s care and safety. I dislike filling out forms, and I would not ask for them to be filled out unless absolutely necessary. Thank you for your understanding.
• All patients/parents must complete a Supplemental Consent to Treat Form before being seen, which is found on our new website. A minor patient without a Consent Form and no parent/guardian to complete it at the office will have their appointment rescheduled.
• All patients/parents must complete a Supplemental Health Questionaire.
• Please brush your teeth before arriving at the office. Toothbrushing in our office is not presently possible.
• Masks will be required to enter the office. Patient masks must be worn at all times while inside the office, except during the clinical portion of the appointment.
• A Wellness Screening will be performed upon entry that will consist of taking the patient’s temperature and answering a few health-related questions. If a patient has a fever that exceeds 100.4 F, the appointment will need to be rescheduled.
• Please call our office at 207-872-2094 before entering the building.
• We ask everyone entering the office to wash their hands or use hand sanitizer. The toothbrushing sink is now a handwashing sink.
• Social distancing, whenever possible, will be practiced; this may include limited seating or a closure of our waiting room. Patient appointments will need to be spread out. Please be patient while scheduling appointments.
• We ask that only the patient come in for their appointment. If parents would like to escort their child, only one will be allowed and they will also be subject to the full check-in protocol. If a parent wants to come into the treatment area, face shields will be required.
• Appointments will be managed to allow for social distancing between patients.
• Procedures that produce aerosols have the highest risk of transmission of the COVID-19 virus. These procedures include removal of adhesive when debonding brackets and removing attachments for clear aligner therapy. We may need to reschedule an additional appointment if patients have broken brackets.
• We will wear more Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) than you are accustomed to seeing. Some procedures will require more PPE than others.
• We will be be offering a Virtual Treatment option through our new website. This does not take the place of all office visits, but may be able to replace some.
Thank you for choosing Morin Orthodontics. We value your trust, loyalty, and patience throughout this difficult time. We look forward to welcoming you back so that we can continue to provide the highest quality orthodontic treatment.
Dr. Brian Morin and Staff